Every character in C programming is given an integer value to represent it. That integer value is known as ASCII value of that character. For example: ASCII value of 'a' is 97. Here is the complete list of ASCII value of characters in C programming. When a character is stored in variable of type
, the ASCII value of character is stored instead of that character itself character itself. For example: If you try to store character 'a' in a char type variable, ASCII value of that character is stored which is 97.
In, this program user is asked to enter a character and this program will display the ASCII value of that character.
Source Code
/* Source code to find ASCII value of a character entered by user */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char c;
printf("Enter a character: ");
scanf("%c",&c); /* Takes a character from user */
printf("ASCII value of %c = %d",c,c);
return 0;
Enter a character: G ASCII value of G = 71
In this program, user is asked to enter a character and this character will be stored in variable c, i.e., the ASCII value of that character is stored in variable c. When, this value is displayed usingconversion format string %c, the actual variable is displayed but, when this variable is displayed using format string %d, the ASCII value of that character is displayed.
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